Investigative journalism is a type of journalism that involves in-depth research and reporting on a specific topic, often with the goal of uncovering corruption, wrongdoing, or other controversial issues. This type of journalism often involves extensive research and fact-checking, as well as the use of various sources and documents to verify the information and build a comprehensive understanding of the subject at hand.
Fact-checking, on the other hand, is the process of verifying the accuracy of a specific piece of information or claim. Fact-checking is often used by journalists, but it can also be done by researchers, analysts, and other individuals. Fact-checking typically involves verifying information from a variety of sources and using research and evidence to determine whether a claim is true or false.
While both investigative journalism and fact-checking involve researching and verifying information, investigative journalism is typically focused on a broader topic or issue, while fact-checking is usually focused on a specific claim or piece of information.