The Fact Protocol is an Environmentally Sustainable Web3/Blockchain Project

The Fact Protocol promotes sustainability across its ecosystem by utilizing a PoS protocol/mechanism, also known as Proof-of-Stake, which is not only efficient in meeting protocol requirements, such as executing transactions at high speeds for a very low fee, but also environment friendly because, in comparison to the PoW (Proof-of-Work) mechanism, PoS emits significantly less CO2 for processing each transaction.

Fact Protocol aligns with the UN SDGs for Environmental Sustainability

The Fact Protocol is designed in such a way that it has near zero (Net Zero) environmental impact. The Protocol will never shift toward any kind of strategy/plan that will have a negative impact on the environment, whether on land, in the sky, or beneath the sea.

fact protocol supports UN global goals for environmental sustainability
The UN Sustainable Development Goals: 13, 14, and 15.

Our Commitment to Sustainability: Environmental & Beyond

Fact Protocol is using a hosting provider or content delivery network that is using either green energy or compensating for its serv.ices through carbon offsetting

Fact Protocol is using a hosting provider or content delivery network that is using either green energy or compensating for its services through carbon offsetting: Verify.

Fact Protocol has joined the SME Climate Hub as a committed business. The SME Climate Hub is an initiative of the We Mean Business Coalition, the Exponential Roadmap Initiative, the United Nations Race to Zero campaign, and the International Chamber of Commerce. View.

Fact Protocol pledged to the sustainable creative charter.

Fact Protocol has signed the Sustainable Creative Charter that seeks our commitment to creating clean, publicizing sustainability goals, leading by example by calling out greenwashing or misinformation, being open, honest & truthful to our values, and making time for others’ perspectives. Sign.

Our Action for Sustainability is Now!